How We Work

How We Work

Bold Innovators. Strong Collaborators. Always Customer Led.



We begin with a discussion to find out what you’re looking for from your software project, what challenges you need to solve, and what your timelines and budget requirements are.  



Through an in-depth workshop with our project team, we’ll analyse your requirements while bringing in our systems design skills. Our approach is to listen and understand your business needs and then design a solution utilising our know-how to engineer world-class software. 



We always deliver software solutions that meet your needs and correlate with your budget. Our processes and our Agile software development approach mean you can change your mind along the way, but you always control the spend.  


Build and Iterate

Now the development begins. In every iteration of 2-3 weeks, we meet with you to show you what we’ve built and how we’re tracking against the project plan. We focus on building short, sharp pieces of work you can see and use at each iteration. We encourage your feedback and guidance on your priorities so we always deliver the most value to you. 



We know what it takes to get a software project over the line, and we’re committed to seeing all our work through to completion with quality. We work with you on acceptance testing to get the highest quality and the fastest turnaround for making changes. We also offer fully managed hosting to bridge the gap between development and production. No excuses, just working quality software that works.